AMRDO Pakistan is a legal entity under the Society Act XXI of 1860 with the Registration No 5194.
AMRDO Pakistan is a non-profit, Non-Governmental Organization NGO established in 1998 with the proclaimed objectives to address the issues: Health & Nutrition, Food Security and livelihood, Water and Sanitation, Education, Gender mainstreaming, Advance and Sustainable Agriculture, Water Security, Community Physical Infrastructure, Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Preparedness and Management and Youth Empowerment se and Youth and community Empowerment by involving the people into development process leading towards sustainable livelihood practices in less privileged areas of Sindh.
Alongside with the social services AMRDO Pakistan has been providing consultancies to national level firms, NGOs and corporate sector for their logistics, capacity building trainings, data collection, monitoring, mentoring & evaluation of the projects in different parts of the country.
AMRDO Pakistan has a team of humanitarian and development practitioners having diversified expertise in new agriculture technologies, strategically planning and development, project management, capacity building, career counseling, education, health, Water and Sanitation Hygiene WASH, Disaster Risk Reduction DRR and Food Security and Livelihood FS&L/nutrition. The technical expert team whose role is involved to provide technical inputs/assistance to development agencies in the field of advance agriculture technologies, community development as well as humanitarian response with a wide range of experience and technical expertise in multidimensional sectors, and well-trained committed volunteers in the communities as well as in the Board who continue to provide guidance and facilitation. In the course of community development process, Organization has set a part to implement and execute numbers of challenging projects with diversified communities in Sindh. The inevitable role of partner organization networked with local, provincial, national and international organizations strengthening its position as a proactive social change actor but significantly contributed to achieve Sustainable Development Goals at provincial level that will untimely contribute at global level too.
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